2 1/2 days until EE (exit experience)

Sunday, May 20, 2007

refelctions on discussions about motivating

I was at school early last week and ran into a teacher that will be working on the ANGEL project with me this summer. I asked her what she thought of it and how she thought it would be useful in the classroom. She was excited at the prospect and her previous experience is going to be very useful. She was involved in the pilot program this year. She voiced some areas where ANGEL will be very useful and also voiced some concerns. The possibility of connections with parents and students is mindboggling. I was reminded of my groups advocacy idea--how to get students, parents and teachers motivated--and thought that ANGEL will be a great tool to help with this. One of the concerns was of the teacher that did not participate with ANGEL and how parents might react negatively to their non-participation. This in turn might cause disharmony within the teaching staff. We also discussed how the implementation is going to happen and how it could be done so that teachers would get on board. Her fear, and mine, is that it will be introduced at the beginning of the year--such an overwhelming time anyway--and through a quick inservice the teachers are supposed to incorporate it into their planning. We both know that the teachers that are techno savvy will be engaged, but the others will do their best to ignore it. She had some interesting ideas coming from the business sector to implement this new technology so that all teachers will be engaged but I'm afraid that the ones in charge will not heed her ideas. I am very excited at this opportunity to be involved in this PD. More to come I am sure.


Bill Warrick said...


Some very good thoughts about Angel. I think the tendency is to worry about students who do not have access to the Internet at home and we don't think about those teachers who are not on board with the tool.

Will they be viewed by parents and students the same as those teachers who do not use technology at all? Or like those who do not use email? It will be interesting to see...

Good thoughts

Natalie's Google Account said...


Thanks for the settings info. I changed my blog name...

I don't know what Angel is. But, because of my Episcopalian background I would be more than afraid to ignore something with Angel in the title! What is Angel?

Natalie's Google Account said...
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Carrie said...

Tracey: I found your post interesting and wanted to share my approach for my school. I was asked to suggest teachers from HRES to attend the PD this summer.

I suggested teachers that were already very effective parent/student communicators. I was thinking that if a teacher already used paper newsletters, phone calls, homework agendas, email, etc.; that they would love learning a technology that would help make their efforts easier and in turn (hopefully) help spread the word throughout the school.

It may work and it may not. I'll have to wait and see.

Jodi said...

Tracey..glad you are going to be involved with Angel. I am very excited about it. I have completed an online instructor course. ...and it is mind blogging how we can use this tool!

Pete said...


Sometimes a little peer pressure is good for the slow adopters. Parents should expect teachers to use the resources provided them to communicate with. A few parent complaints may "encourage" those who do nto want to take the initiative to use Angel.